The day started off pretty good until I hit the corner...I like to call it "Chris' corner." It wasn't necessarily hard, but it was definitely time consuming to measure the cuts just right, since I decided to go with interwoven pattern:
The day continued pretty smoothly for my partner, a.k.a. "the master" as he finished off the second row of tile near the stove:
The most pain in the ar$e cuts were around the outlets. I must have spent the most time particularly on the one for our disposal....all in all it came out nice...I'm very proud with myself and I think it came out great! I know Marily is happy (and that's all that counts right?!) I can't wait to see the finished product....which hopefully comes tomorrow night, after spending Sunday grouting all our hard work...I personally thing it will be an "adventure" but if we are lucky it won't be so bad....time shall tell! Here are some more pictures from today's activities:
The cuts from hell...looks easy, but it wasn't!:
Me getting busy on the "professional" wet saw...this is a serious tool baby!
Look at my handy work!
Hey look, Marily the "Supervisor" even got her hands dirty and laid a few tiles, I'm so proud!
Here I am placing the final tile...its beer-30 baby!!!
Another day down....tomorrow we start at 9AM to begin our grouting fun day...I can't wait to see the results!!